Monday, October 19, 2015

if I didn't know Jesus...

If I didn't know Jesus, I would have a mind full of anxiety and fear.
I would worry always, constantly be on edge, and feel nauseous over the fact that I couldn't see the future.

If I didn't know Jesus, I would be have a heart full of bitterness and anger.
I would be slow to forgive, quick to anger, quick to speak, slow to listen.
I would hold grudges, be merciless and full of hate, and react with a heart of vengeance. 

If I didn't know Jesus, I would feel lost and alone.
I would often find myself feeling empty, I would question my existence.
I wouldn't know where to go or what to do.

If I didn't know Jesus, I would feel insecure and like a failure.
I would over analyze every decision I made, question my intelligence, and feel unworthy.
I would speak negativity over my life, believe I had no value, and think that I was unimportant.

If I didn't know Jesus, depression would swallow me whole.
I would feel dark, empty, worthless, annoying, stupid and pointless.
I would feel shallow, sad, quiet, anxious, down, heavy and disappointed.

If I didn't know Jesus, I would be doomed to eternity without Him.
Lost, alone, hopeless, burning in the darkness of Hell forever.

But because I know Jesus...

I feel joy. Not always happiness, but a joy that comes from the Lord.
I feel peace. God knows my future, so I don't have to.
I feel secure. God has already won my battles.
I feel important. God made me for a purpose.
I feel beautiful. God made me in His image.
I feel loved. I know that I'm never alone and that Jesus died for me.
I feel valued. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I feel uplifted. He is the rock on which I stand.
I feel patient. He gives me the fruit of the Spirit.
I have no fear. I will fear no evil; He has given me a spirit of peace.

I AM secure, important, beautiful, loved, valued... because He has made me this way and given me these gifts.

Because I know Jesus, I will not perish, but have eternal life in Heaven with Him.

Do you know Jesus?

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