Sunday, February 8, 2015

Selah - 8 months

Today our baby girl turns 2/3 of a year! Lots of things have happened this past month.

She got her first tooth a couple of weeks ago which is so weird for me because Ezra didn't have a tooth until after his first birthday! 

She tried her first foods this month. She's had avocado, apple, baby puffs & mashed potatoes. She's also chewed on some grilled cheese crust, some shredded chicken, some bell peppers and some carrots. She really loves puffs because she can easily eat them and they're fruity. She doesn't eat food every day, it's more like 2 or 3 times a week. Most of the time if I give her anything to munch on, it's at dinner time when the rest of us are at the table eating.

She pulls up to stand on everything she can find and also "cruises" along furniture and can transfer herself from toy to toy while standing and walking while holding on. Today she stood on her own without holding on for about 3 seconds before plopping back down. She'll be walking in no time!

She also can crawl on her hands and knees now instead of just pulling herself on her elbows like an army crawl. She doesn't do it all the time but she's still working on mastering that skill. 

She still says "dada" all day long. She has said mama a few times but it's usually just when she's upset and hungry. If she's happy, she is saying "dada" over and over. It's pretty adorable. 

She signs "more" now which is super cute because she will do it even when we aren't offering her food so that's usually my clue that she's getting hungry. 

She's still a super calm, easygoing baby. We've started putting her in the nursery at church during service and she does great until she sees me come back in to pick her up. Then she reaches for me and starts bawling because she just wants me to come get her. She loves being with her mama. If she is missing a nap because we aren't home at her nap time, she's content even when she's overtired as long as she's being snuggled. She's so squishy & loveable!

She's really starting to outgrow a lot of her clothes because her arms are getting too long for everything! She's in mostly size 12 month right now. Ezra is just getting into size 18-24, so they'll probably be sharing onesies soon! I love how different they both are.

Selah has started sleeping all night lately. She goes to bed between 6:30-7:00 pm and is up for the day around 7:30 am. She used to wake up 2-3 times during that 13 hours but now she usually only wakes once, either at like 10:00 pm before we even go to sleep or not until like 5:00 am. Most days lately, she sleeps 10 hours and then nurses and sleeps another 3 hours. I really do love the middle of the night feedings, though. Ezra was sleeping 12 hours straight by 4 months old and rarely nursed in the night, so I love when she wakes up in the wee hours of the night to snuggle and nurse in bed. I sometimes let her just fall asleep next to me as I cuddle her before taking her back to her crib where she dozes off again. Only 4 months until she's a toddler and might be too busy to nurse and cuddle with me, so I'm really enjoying it. 

I love watching her grow and can't wait to see what new skills she picks up this month! 

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