Saturday, August 9, 2014

Selah is 2 months old!

Weighing in at 14 lbs 1.4 oz, Selah officially weighs 2 oz less than Ezra did at 6 months old. He was off the charts tiny and she is off the charts chunky. The first thing her doctor pointed out is that her cheeks are wider than the rest of her head, and that it must be fun to clean in between all her leg rolls. He did say she's the healthiest baby he'd see all day! She's now 23.25" which is an inch bigger than last month.

She does this adorable thing where she sticks her tongue out the side of her mouth... it cracks me up every time. She smiles all the time now and even is starting to coo - melts my heart. She's so squishy & adorable... I can't even handle it.

She still wears an adorable new outfit each day, which you can see on Instagram (#whatselahwore) if you follow me @chalysek3. We even matched one day, wearing cheetah print obvs. 

She sleeps 7-8 hours straight each night and then wakes up, I feed her and she goes right back to sleep for 3-4 more hours. She's a gem, truly. She had a few weeks where she had colic-like behavior of being gassy and really fussy, but now she's on a daily probiotic and is doing much better. 

She has what we call "daddy nap time" every night. Once we put Ezra to bed, I clean up the house and get ready for bed while Marcus usually gets us a snack and then gets our show or movie ready for the evening, and Selah always sleeps on his chest for the rest of the night until we go to bed. Marcus lays her on him, pats her back and she is knocked out. It usually ends with her sleeping in a super odd and equally adorbs position, like curled in a ball, her neck craned to one side, or her sprawled across his lap.

We love our little honey bunny and couldn't imagine not having her in our family! I can't wait for her to keep growing & learning & getting even chunkier! 

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