Friday, October 2, 2015

greatness and goodness.

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."
- A. W. Tozer

This quote has popped up a few times in the last couple of weeks for me.

Marcus and I started reading a new book this week called In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson. This morning, we read a section called "A High View of God". It quoted A. W. Tozer from The Knowledge of the Holy: "...the most portentous fact about any man is not what he at a given time may say or do, but what he in his deep heart conceives God to be like... Were we able to extract from any man a complete answer to the question, "What comes to your mind when you think about God?" we might predict with certainty the spiritual future of that man." 

Mark Batterson says, "most of our problems are not circumstantial. Most of our problems are perceptual." Mark also said this, which blew my mind: "Astronomers have spied galaxies 12.3 billion light-years from earth. To put that distance into perspective, consider the fact that light traveling 186,000 miles per second only takes eight minutes to travel the 93 million miles between the sun and planet earth. Sunlight is only eight minutes old. But light from the furthest galaxy takes 12.3 billion years to get here. That distance is virtually incomprehensible! And God says that is about the distance between His thoughts and our thoughts. Your best though about God on your best day falls 12.3 billion light-years short of how great and how good God really is. We underestimate God's goodness and greatness by at least 12.3 billion light-years." 

I knew I had heard this Tozer quote recently, but I've read several books in the past couple of weeks so I wasn't sure where I had read it. I grabbed Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick (which I talked about in my last post) and quickly skimmed it and found Tozer's quote on page 93, in a chapter Furtick titles, "The Simplest Systematic Theology Ever". Furtick starts the chapter by saying, "...the size of our vision [for our life] isn't even determined by who God is... Instead, the scope and impact of your vision will be determined by who you believe God is". Furtick then shares the Tozer quote that I've already shared with you and goes on to reiterate that "our view of God is the most important thing about us." 

Furtick explains that there are two things we need to know about God.
1. God is great.
2. God is good.

Batterson talks also about God's goodness and greatness in his book as I've already mentioned. 

Psalm 62:11-12: "One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving."

God is great because he is strong. Furtick says, "If your problem is too big for you, it's just the right size for God." 
God is good because he is loving. Furtick says, "God's goodness means that all his greatness is meant to work in your life for your good. Not necessarily your momentary happiness. But your ultimate good." 

I don't think it's a coincidence that I've heard this quote a few times in the past two weeks. God likes to work that way when He really wants something to stick in my mind. ;) 

As Marcus and I are on this journey of following whatever God would have for our lives, I often find myself overwhelmed with the possibilities of what God will call us to do. He has already started guiding us on our way as we trust in Him, but we don't necessarily know all the specific steps. We are being obedient and following us where He leads us, but sometimes, I limit the ideas and options for us because I think, "There's no way God would ask us to do that!" I feel too small. I feel too incapable. I feel inadequate, not special enough or strong enough.

I also know that we have to be patient. I have been praying specific, bold prayers that God would show us where He wants us to go next. But I want Him to answer me now! But sometimes, God's answer is, "not yet." 

God is showing me that nothing is impossible with Him. He can call us to do great, amazing, seemingly impossible things. But nothing is impossible with Him, because He is great. And I know that God will answer our prayers and show us the way in His perfect timing because He is good. 

Sometimes, like Batterson said, I underestimate God's power; His goodness and His greatness. Sometimes I forget that He is in control. I can beg and barter with God all I want, but He is the one who will make His plans work. I have to submit to His will and follow after Him with all of my heart! And He will work all things together for good. In His timing, not mine. 

When I think about God, I want to always first remember His infinite goodness and greatness. I want to put all of my faith and trust in Him. And when He makes me wait, He is just testing and strengthening my faith. What comes to my mind when I think about God ought to be His amazing provision, love, and power over the universe. If He holds the whole world in His hands, then certainly He holds my heart and dreams and desire to follow His will.

Stepping into the unknown and giving control over to God isn't always easy. And nobody said it would be! But the Lord is strengthening me through it, and I know He's got my back.

What comes to your mind when you think about God?

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