Tuesday, October 7, 2014

a lesson among dirty dishes.

Yesterday, I did quite a bit of baking. I was attempting to do two things: make foods for Ezra that have hidden vegetables in them since he's picky with textures and won't really eat them on their own, and also make some dairy-free breakfast foods for him since we suspect he has a dairy allergy/intolerance and we're trying to cut it out completely. But that's a whole other post for a different day.

Anyway, I was trying to wash the dishes quickly so I could be done before the kids woke up from their naps. I was trying to clean the batter off of a glass measuring cup. Every time I ran the cloth around the outside of the cup, one spot of batter would just not come off. I kept wiping back and forth, up and down and this batter wouldn't budge. I rinsed the outside of the cup and tried again. It wouldn't come off. Finally, it dawned on me - the batter was on the inside of the cup and I had been trying to wipe it off from the outside. Instantly the Lord spoke to me: if I have a problem with someone that bothers me, instead of trying to fix this outside issue, maybe I need to look on the inside and see why this thing bothers me - I need to fix my own heart first, not others' actions. Matthew 7:3 came to mind: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Instead of trying so hard to fix something on the outside of the cup, I needed to realize that the actual problem was on the inside of the cup. As soon as I washed the inside of the cup, the glass sparkled and was clean as new.

It's a pretty silly analogy but it's just proof that God uses every day situations to speak to His children. If I hadn't been paying attention, I may have missed this little lesson that God placed in my heart.

How has God spoken to you lately?

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