Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Selah - 3 & 4 months

Wow, Selah is 4 months old already (as of yesterday)! That flew by so quickly that I totally forgot to do her 3 month update!

Her 4 month checkup isn't until tomorrow so I don't know her weight and length yet, but I'm pretty sure she's doubled her birth weight by now (which was almost 9 lbs). Check my instagram tomorrow if you want to know how much she weighs now! @mama.meik.and.minis

Selah's doing so much now. She rolls from belly to back, grabs toys and puts them in her mouth, blows raspberries allll the time...

She loves to look at the light of the tv or the light of my phone screen. She likes laying on her back on her play mat, looking at herself in the mirror like a true girly girl. She even sits up for a couple minutes if she uses her hands for support!

She's becoming so fun... like she's turning into a little kid instead of just a baby. She's so alert and attentive to everything going on. She sometimes gets upset when I walk out of the room and as soon as she sees me or hears me come in, she's all smiles.

Lately, when you lay her in her crib she puts herself to sleep. Occasionally she will knock her pacifier out with her hand and whine but as soon as I put it back in, she's out like a light. She holds her hand over her eyes usually. Adorbs.

I'm really wondering if she's going to get teeth pretty soon because she drools way more than Ezra ever did and she's constantly chewing on things, not just sucking on them. Her poor double chin has to be wiped under every single hour because so much drool gets trapped under there!

We sure love our little Lala. She fits right into our family and is such a joy, greeting you with a smile as soon as you talk to her. Happy 1/3 of a year, baby girl! 

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