Thursday, January 8, 2015

Selah - 7 months old

7 months always seems like a huge deal to me. I'm not sure why - you'd think 6 months (half a year) would be the big one. But 7 months just seems so old! She's closer to her birthday than she is to her birth day! And her thighs just keep getting bigger.

She isn't officially in size 5 diapers yet, but since I do these chalkboards as a record to look back on, I put that she needs size 5 diapers because she still has some size 4's that we're going to use up but next time I buy some, I'm getting size 5. She keeps having these lovely poop-splosions up her back which is super fun to clean up, so a size up in diapers is the way we need to go. 

Every time I get her up from a nap lately, she's sitting up in her crib like a big girl!

No real food yet for this little lady, except the one time she licked a cracker that Ezra gave her. Our pediatrician said since she is so, um, "healthy" with her weight, that we can delay solids for her. We plan on doing baby led weaning. I was going to wait until closer to 8 months, but she lunges towards any food she sees us eating, so I think I might let her taste some avocado or something similar. I'll probably just set her in a high chair with some small bites of food on the tray and see what she does. I know she will totally grab it and shove it in her mouth but I don't know what she'll do once it's in her mouth - if she'll gobble it up or just play with it. I won't make such a big deal out of starting solids with her as I did with Ezra. With him, on his 6 month birthday I started food and then gave it to him once a day every day, then switched to twice a day, etc. With her, I'll probably just give her bits of veggies while the rest of us are eating and let her munch rather than sitting her down for a meal each day, at least to start. Once she's older, I'll do meals with her but I know she definitely doesn't need food - she's doing pretty well on 100% breastmilk! We've never even tried a bottle with her and I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that aspect of baby life. It's so much easier to just sit down and nurse her whenever she wants! I don't mind it one bit, and I know once she's too busy playing to nurse, I'll miss it, just like I did with Ezra. Hopefully she will want to nurse longer than the 14 months that Ezra did! 

Selah now goes from crawling to sitting up all on her own, which is a miracle with how chubby she is. You'd think she wouldn't be able to even move since she's such a rolly polly, but she army crawls like there's no tomorrow. My mom mentioned that she probably isn't hands-and-knees crawling yet because she can't move her legs back and forth once she's up on her knees because her thighs rub together! That's probably true, because she's certainly tried to get on her hands and knees and crawl, but always ends up back on her belly.

She can stand up while holding on to things for more than a minute, but she can't pull herself up to stand yet, which Ezra could at this age. Again, this is probably because she's too weak to pull up her body weight. ;) 

Little Miss loves bath time, especially kicking her chubby legs and splashing water all over. She's content to just chew on a toy while she sits in her reclining tub and I wash Ezra up. There's not much cuter than the two of them in the tub together!

7 months is such a fun age. Soon she'll be pulling herself up on furniture and cruising around, and then standing without holding onto anything and then walking and then chasing Ezra around... I'm so glad they have each other. I love being a mama to two '2 and under'! 

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @mama.meik.and.minis to see more adorableness! 

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