Monday, May 19, 2014

38 weeks!

This baby seriously can't get any lower. I woke up yesterday morning (Sunday) and could barely walk to the bathroom. I knew that either Squirt's head was even lower than the day before, or my pelvis was splitting in half even more. I was pretty sure something was broken or Squirt was about to fall out. This morning at my 38 week appointment, my doctor checked to see if I was dilated any more and the first thing she said was, "oh yeah this baby is really low... you're probably feeling a lot more pressure!" And I was like, "...uh, yeah!" She said the baby is at a -1 station which is pretty good news because it means progress (and I was only at a -2 station when I was induced with Ezra) but it's also not-so-good news because it means that until Squirt decides to come out, I get to waddle and feel like I'm falling apart. I take my weekly bump picture in our basement since we have a big, blank wall down there and getting back up the stairs was quite the task. I could only go up one step at a time, right leg first and am still sore 10 minutes later. 

My fundal height is still 35cm (for the 4th week in a row - since 35 weeks) which I'm pretty sure just means that she is dropping more. I'm still a fingertip dilated and 80% effaced like last week which is a little disappointing but hopefully the fact that she dropped more means she's on her way to come all on her own! I would love to have a May baby and our schedules are pretty clear after tomorrow so she can come aaaaaany time now. ;) 

Happy Monday! 

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