Monday, May 5, 2014

36 weeks!

4 weeks to go - it feels unreal! I must say, I'm getting a bit impatient. Everyone seems to be convinced that she will be born this month but I just don't know... that'd be nice, though! This baby just keeps on dropping. I had my husband draw a line on the wall where the bottom of my belly was and another line where my belly button was so we could compare. 2 days later, he drew the lines again and they were each 3/4 of an inch lower! That was after she dropped majorly over a week ago (right before 35 weeks). 

I had an OB appointment today and my belly is measuring 35cm. It's been on track for my whole pregnancy so far so my doctor said baby definitely did drop (you measure smaller once baby drops, otherwise you should measure as many centimeters as you are weeks along, for those who don't know). She also said I'm dilated a fingertip! Yeah, I know, you're probably thinking "big deal..." but since I'm having a VBAC, I have to go into labor on my own and I wasn't a fingertip dilated until 38 weeks with Ezra so I'm making progress! She said the baby is "at the top of the birth canal" - I'm not sure what that means station wise... maybe a -3 station? I seriously have no idea. I'm not thinned out but my cervix is softening. Overall, cervical changes don't matter much because you can be dilated for weeks and still go past your due date or you can be not dilated at all and go into labor the next day, so we'll see how I progress the next few weeks. I just need this baby to come out on her own! 

Some awesome friends of mine are making custom curtains to match the crib set which is one of the final things we need for the nursery. We have to hang the letters for her name above her crib and hang the pom pom balls in the corner. The screws are already in place for both of these things so I just have to get it done.

Technically, I already made and hung her tissue pom pom balls, but I don't love how they turned out. My mom and I made 3 of them and we used 12 sheets of tissue paper for one (white) and 10 for the other two (pink and brown). The white one is nice and full but the pink and brown ones just look a little funny. They're almost too big or something, and once I hung them, I realized they spin so I can't just fluff up the front with stuff from the back because a different side is always facing out and there isn't enough tissue paper to make them look nice and full. So my mom went on Etsy and found some tulle pom poms and ordered them instead. They should arrive this week and they'll look much better - which will ease my perfectionist spirit. :)

I've started packing the hospital bag, I printed off my birth plan, and I got baskets and a shoe organizer so her hutch/changing table is nicely organized now as well as all of her shoes.

The brown basket to the right of her changing pad has diapers, wipes and all her toiletries in it. The round basket above it has pacifiers and the long basket to the left of that has burp cloths. On the top shelf are some cute headbands displayed on the left, and in the pink basket is leggings, tights and fancy socks. The brown basket on the top right has hats some other random accessories. In the top drawer is size NB-6 month onesies, some leg warmers and bloomers. The second drawer is pajamas size NB-3 month and the bottom drawer is empty. The cabinet on the right just has bath towels in it right now. 

She has 55 pairs of shoes now, up to size 3 plus one pair of size 5 (because they were pink and cheetah and my mom saw them at Goodwill so she obviously had to get them). I'm pretty sure none of these shoes were full price. A lot of them were from consignment shops, a couple from Goodwill, and the rest on major clearance at either Children's Place or TJ Maxx. The only "full price" ones were from Zulily, but Zulily has discounted prices already. If you haven't ever been on Zulily, you need to do it! They have SUCH cute clothes and accessories and toys, all discounted. They even have maternity items, women's clothing and even kitchen and household items. I can not wait to put these shoes on Squirt! Hopefully only 4 weeks until I can! ;)

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