Tuesday, April 29, 2014

35 weeks - drop it like it's hot.

Whoa baby, 35 weeks! Which means 35 days left! (Actually 34 days left on the day I'm posting this...)

If you look at a picture of me last week compared to this week, baby girl has definitely dropped! 

It's harder to tell side by side, but if you flip back and forth between the two pictures, she's definitely lower. No wonder walking has gotten more difficult! Not to mention sleeping! I've pretty much given up on trying to get a full night's sleep. I can't quite remember at what point in my pregnancy with Ezra that I was getting up at least 5 times a night to pee, but I'd rather be waking up to pee than because of my hip feeling like it's breaking in half. SPD is no joke, y'all and laying on one hip and not being able to move freely in my sleep causes soreness. And then the event of turning over which steals another 15 minutes from my slumber. I'm a walking zombie during the day, pretty much. 

I keep having dreams that she is born early but with my luck, she'll be 10 days late. I promise I'm trying to enjoy every minute of this pregnancy (because the day after Ezra was born I missed being pregnant) but that's really hard when each waking moment is painful. I would appreciate your prayers! This all makes me a little nervous for future pregnancies considering how much worse the SPD is this time. But I am able to carry healthy babies and for that I'm very thankful! 

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