Tuesday, April 22, 2014

34 weeks + nursery update!

I'm getting ahead of myself... I almost typed 36 weeks as the title of this post! Sigh... don't I wish. ;)

This week I hit a whole new level of uncomfortable. I'm officially losing at least an hour of sleep each night due to getting up to pee often and trying to roll over, which results in me being ready for bed by 3:00 pm. I try to sleep with a body pillow behind my back while I lay on one side, and then I use another body pillow between my knees. The pillow behind my back is so that I don't roll over onto my back in the night because if I do, I wake up with horrible pain in my low back and sacrum and I literally can't move without my husband helping me roll over. Even when I do lay on one side, my hip hurts so I have to switch to laying on the other side, which is quite the task. I have to keep my knees together while I attempt to roll over (thanks to Symphysis Pubis Dysfuction, which kicked in promptly at 20 weeks along) but I can't really roll from one side to the other because my sacrum is sore and will possibly slip out, so I have to lift my hips and move them to be able to lay on the opposite side. All of this requires help from my husband, even if I'm just tightly squeezing his hand so that I don't yell and wake up Ezra. Seriously, 6 more weeks of this? I'm just thankful it's 6 and not 10. ;) I guess horrible pelvic/back pain is what I get for barely having morning sickness, haha!

I've also been having pretty uncomfortable Braxton Hicks - actually they're a bit painful! It usually happens if I've been up and moving around too often. And then my feet swell which is just fabulous. Lots of foot elevation and sitting for me this past week! I sort of have a feeling this baby girl will come "early" (before my estimated due date) but I'm also not getting my hopes up, that's for sure! I could very well be pregnant for almost 8 more weeks. Either way, the end is near. :)

This past weekend, we finally got the nursery painted! We chose the color Zephyr by Behr because out of every shade of pink at Home Depot, this matched her crib set the best. 

The walls in the nursery were originally sky blue so we weren't sure that the pink would turn out if we just did pink right on top of it. We ended up doing 2 coats of white paint over the blue and then 2 coats of pink paint. 

Doesn't he just look thrilled to be painting? ;)

We (meaning my husband, mom and mother-in-law) finally finished painting Sunday night and then last night, Marcus assembled the crib. I was so excited to put her crib bedding on and see it against the walls. I absolutely love it! 

We moved the hutch back in and put it in the corner. It will be her changing table once we move all the stuff off it. We ran out of room for shoes so the ones pictured are size 0 and 1 and size 2 are in the closet. 

This cradle will go in our room next to our bed so that she can sleep next to me for the first few months, which makes nursing in the night so much easier! A friend made customized cradle sheets for us since it's an older cradle with an odd shaped mattress.

We still have to paint the closets. We realized that the previous owners only did a half-decent job on the closet paint so they're streaky and uneven. We only found a little bit of the closet paint color in the basement (it's off-white) so we have to get the paint matched so we can buy more to finish them. We also need to get some curtains, but first we have to figure out how we'll hang them. I want to keep the blinds up on the windows but they're installed right where you would install a curtain rod, so we need to get creative. Above her crib will hang her name in big cheetah print letters. It'll be SO cute, but I won't be revealing that picture until she's born because her name is still a secret. ;)

I'm SO relieved to have this huge step completed. Not that I thought Squirt would come before 34 weeks along, but I feel so much more prepared now (even though she won't sleep in there for at least 4 months after she's born). Now I have to get some bins to organize some things on her hutch. I'm so excited that it's all coming together! 

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