Monday, April 7, 2014

32 weeks

Well folks, I'm 32 weeks pregnant. That means less than 10 weeks until Squirt arrives. If I had no calendar, I'd say I was 56 weeks pregnant right now. I feel like I've been pregnant forever and I also feel waaaaaay past full term. I feel now at 32 weeks how I felt at my due date with Ezra. Every moment is uncomfortable, including sitting. Thankfully I can usually sleep through the night (I don't have to get up to pee 15 times a night like I did with Ezra - but I'm sure that will come!) and I only wake up a couple times to turn over in bed. Switching sides isn't that simple, people. I have to keep my knees together or I feel like I'll rip in half and I have to lift my hips to be able to turn. It's actually pretty comical.

I had my 32 week appointment today and the doc said baby girl is head down! Yay! One step closer to my VBAC. Squirt likes to hang out on the right side of my belly, which is where Ezra always was. What's wrong with the left side, kids?! I'm always feeling a knee or heel or something sticking out. It's uncomfortable but I know that I will miss it once she is born. 

I'm measuring 32 weeks exactly. Last appointment, at 30 weeks, I only measured 29, so I thought maybe I'd continue that trend like I did with Ezra. But now I'm back to "average" so we'll see what size she is when she's born! Some days I feel like she'll come a couple weeks early, or at least a few days, and other days I feel like she'll never leave my belly. We'll see what happens! 

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