Wednesday, April 2, 2014

sunny days.

Over a month ago, I wrote a post about winter blues. I get them pretty bad every year, with this year being the worst yet. I was beginning to think that winter would never end, I'd be stuck inside all year and the sunshine wouldn't ever shine again. We kept getting a few "teaser" days where it was nice enough for flip flops (but you still needed a coat) and then we'd be back to cold & windy.

But finally, the calendar said spring was here. It didn't feel like it at first, but we've finally had some days where it's been nice enough to go outside & play!

Thank you Jesus! Ezra had SO much fun playing outside for the first time in our new backyard on Sunday. He was really intimidated by the grass and leaves at first and started screaming every time one blew at him. Daddy went on the swing with him and he kept saying, "oooo!" as they rocked back and forth. Marcus and Ezra went all over the swing set until we had to go inside. Ezra faced his fears and touched a leaf eventually but I think he's still a little scared. ;) As soon as we got inside, Ezra screamed and cried at the door wanting to go back out. 

Yesterday it was pretty cold in the morning again. But today, we went back out. As soon as I asked Ezra if he wanted to go outside, he said, "yeah!" and ran to the back door. We swung back and forth for a really long time. If it were up to Ezra, we would've kept going. Then we went to the slide and every time Ezra slid down, he smiled and said "again!"

Sometimes when it's the dead of winter, it's hard to think that spring will ever come. Then it finally arrives and I realize how "used to" the winter I had become. Once I see the sunshine, it really hits me how badly I'd missed it! Then the next day is cold and dark again and I feel like it was just too good to be true. But the sun always comes back! I'm so thankful for the spring like weather we've been getting. It's not 80 degrees like it was 2 years ago at this time, but I'm so glad it's not -50 degree windchill. And for those of you who've heard we're getting a few inches of snow later this week, I don't wanna hear it! I'm enjoying the beautiful sunshine today while I have it. :)

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