Tuesday, June 3, 2014

40 weeks!

Hellooooooo due date! 

I didn't think I would see my due date this pregnancy, but it came and went yesterday and baby girl is still snuggled up in my belly.

At my 39 weeks appointment last week, I was up to 1 cm dilated (was at a fingertip) and still 80% effaced but a -1 station. As of yesterday's appointment, baby had dropped even more (which explains all the pressure I'm having!) and I'm now dilated to a 3 but still 80% effaced. My doctor stripped my membranes again at my appointment yesterday (I say "again" because she also did this last week) and I rubbed some clary sage on my belly and the "labor inducing" pressure points on my ankles (my husband actually did my ankles for me because I obviously can't reach them at this point). I had contractions all last evening from about 6:30-midnight but they were anywhere from 20-50 minutes apart. They started in my low back and wrapped around the front which is different than any Braxton Hicks that I've felt. I actually had to pause and breathe through them. I went to bed and woke up 7 or 8 times from a contraction but then I'd fall back asleep and not wake for another 45 minutes to 2 hours when I'd get another. Then after 5:00 this morning they totally just stopped. I took a walk around the block with Ezra (which took 15 minutes even though it should take a normal person maaaaaybe 10 minutes but I'm rocking that pregnancy waddle) and my pelvis did not like that I did this but I was hoping to start the contractions again! That was an hour ago and I juuuuust had a contraction as I was typing this update. Let's hope they continue and get closer together! I'm so anxious to meet this baby and I'm anxious as I get farther away from my due date because I need to go into labor on my own for this VBAC! I'll just keep praying! 

Happy Tuesday & happy June! 

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