Thursday, December 18, 2014

doctors & play dates.

Yesterday the small humans had their 2 year and 6 month check ups. We knew they were close in size even though they're 18 months apart. Ezra is officially 6 pounds and 6 inches bigger than Selah! 

Ezra: 26 lbs 12 oz; 33 1/2 " // Selah: 20 lbs 9 oz; 27"

The doctor said he was impressed with Ezra's size, he expected him to be a tiny little thing since he was so small as a baby (always less than the 10th percentile for weight, sometimes too small to even be on the chart). Z has had quite the appetite lately, asking for several snacks and eating more at meals than usual. He talks in several word sentences which his doctor said is great for his age. He's impressed that he responds well to verbal cues (like when we say don't touch that, he puts his hand back down and walks away) and will tell us what he wants with more than one or two words and we can understand him. He said the fact that his words aren't crystal clear isn't a concern at 2 years old and by age 3, we should understand at least half of what he tells us (which we already can, he just has his own little language - like "school bus" is "coo buh" and "red truck" is "rehh truhh"). Ezra has had some trouble with his tummy (read: poop issues) lately. You may remember than in October (I think, I can't keep track of the months anymore!) we cut out dairy to try and eliminate his chronic diaper rash, which pretty much worked, but then we reintroduced it except for straight up cow's milk (he's on almond milk). And since we reintroduced, he has green stools sometimes. Yuck. It could be his body just doesn't digest certain foods well and it's basically a shot in the dark which food it is. It could be dairy, it could be gluten, so we have to watch the frequency to see if we need allergy testing or more elimination diet trials. Hopefully he just potty trains soon so we don't have as much concern with his diaper and the contents of it anymore!

Selah impressed her pediatrician as well. She's the size of an average 12 month old and has good core strength and motor skills for a 6 month old. He said that second children are more likely to be more advanced in motor skills and delayed in verbal skills than the first child because they don't get as much one-on-one verbal attention but are copying their older sibling in motor skills. Both Z and Selah started the army crawl before 6 months. Ezra was saying "mama" and "dada" at Selah's age (not knowing what it actually meant, just repeating the sounds) and Selah just says "gagagagaga" and "ahhhh" and "oooooh". According to the doc it's totally normal, it's just something to get used to when you have two different children that develop and do things at different rates. 

Ezra doesn't need shots until he starts school (5 years old) but Selah got her boosters. She barely even whined, probably because her thighs are so chubby that she couldn't even feel the needle!

Before their appointments yesterday, Ezra's BFF came over like she does every week to play. She's 8 months older but she and Ezra love playing together, looking outside at garbage trucks, spinning in circles and reading. 

We'll show them these pictures again in high school when they're dating each other. ;)

We had another play date with her and some other friends from church at my mom's house this morning! Coffee, muffins, a fire and friends. Gotta love it.

We have an ugly Christmas sweater/cookie exchange party with other couples tonight and then Marcus' work party is also ugly sweater themed on Friday. Thanks to Goodwill, we'll be looking fly. Pictures to come. ;)

Happy Thursday!

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