Monday, December 22, 2014

our Christmasy weekend.

We had a fun, full weekend! 

On Friday we had Marcus' work Christmas party, which was different than past years because it was for the whole family! We got to bring Ezra & Selah and they had face painting, cookie decorating and Santa, and each kid got a present. The food was wonderful and we all got to wear ugly Christmas sweaters. Each employee was given raffle tickets for door prizes, and we won a gift card to a grocery store for the second year in a row! This is also only our second Baker Tilly Christmas party, so... we're 2 for 2 on raffle prizes. I think we'll keep this tradition of winning going. There was a game of Bingo before we left and we won some cash playing that, so I'd say it was a successful party! 

Ezra's sweater found here

Marcus' sweater is from the women's section at Goodwill... periwinkle and penguins look good on him, don't you think?

Outfit: sold out // Headband

Selah pretty much stole the show with her festive little outfit.

She & Ezra both loved opening their gifts! Ezra's was a Lego Duplo garbage truck, which is perfect because he loves vehicles and doesn't have any garbage trucks. He looks outside for the garbage truck every day... I don't think he realizes yet that trash day is only once per week. ;)

We got three uses out of our ugly Christmas sweaters this year, and I was told numerous times that mine wasn't even ugly, so I guess I could wear it all winter long if I wanted to! 

On Saturday morning my mom and I went to get our nails done for the holiday.

Then in the evening, we had the first of our "M Christmases"... we have 5 family Christmases each year and all start with M - Mosley, Meiklejohn, Magee & Myers. Mosley is Marcus' extended family Christmas with all of our cousins which is where we went Saturday night. Meiklejohn Christmas is with his parents and 5 siblings and our niece and nephews. Magee counts for two Christmases - one is Christmas with my parents and brother, and the other is with my dad's parents and sisters (so my grandparents and aunts). Myers is Christmas with all my mom's family, so my grandpa, uncles & cousins. Whew, that's a lot of celebrating! 

Leg warmers: sold out // Onesie // Headband: similar here

Mosley Christmas is always fun because we do a gift exchange where each person brings a gender specific gift (girls bring girly gift, guys bring guy gift) and then we draw numbers to determine order and when it's your turn, you can open an unopened gift or you can steal a gift someone else has opened as long as it hasn't been stolen 3 times yet. Once it's stolen 3 times, that person gets to keep it. For the girl's exchange, I got a 2-cup and 4-cup angled measuring cup and some pretty new measuring cups & spoons in fun colors! My turn was second to last, so I was glad I got to steal this gift from someone. I'm constantly measuring my foods as part of counting calories so I needed more measuring cups and spoons! Win.

Marcus ended up with a $25 gift card for Olive Garden, which he said he had his eye on (he got to pick last) so he could take me on a date without spending anything. Such a sweetie. <3 We usually end up with the best gifts from the exchange each year (in our opinions) so I'm pretty happy! We had yummy food & dessert and got to hang out with family that we don't get to see often enough. Ezra and Selah got to play with their cousins and second cousins (I think that's what they're called?) and they each got some nice gifts from their great grandma. 

Ezra asked to "go nigh night" with Selah while I was trying to take her picture. He loves climbing in her crib with her. You can barely see his shirt, but it's a retired Gymboree dinosaur shirt that my mom bought secondhand. 

On Sunday, we went to church like usual where Selah wore her first ever Christmas dress. I'm pretty sure my mom found this beauty on eBay. Then we came home to watch the Packers win! Ezra & Selah both took long naps and then we ate dinner & played until bedtime and the Marcus and I watched Avatar because I haven't seen it in forever. 

Selah is practicing acrobatics as usual.

It's a 2 day work week for Marcus due to Christmas so I have a lot to check off my to-do list before Wednesday comes and we get busy celebrating! I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! 

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