Monday, December 8, 2014

happy half birthday, Selah!

Our baby girl is 6 months old today!

She crawls across the entire house on her elbows and knees and she tries pretty hard to do hands-and-knees but usually falls back on to her tummy. She's close, though! She loves being held and loves when I wear her in the Ergo. Ezra is learning to not get upset when she steals his toys. She usually crawls over to where ever he is playing and tries to grab whatever he's holding. I hope they are always best friends! 

I took her to the doctor today because for the past couple of days, she has been hard to put down for naps and has woken up 3-4 times a night which is unusual for her. She had been especially fussy this morning and absolutely did not want to lay down. She would scream, roll over and arch her back. She also had been pulling on her ears so I took her in just to check. Doc said no ear infection, just a little congestion lingering from the colds we've all had this past week, and she's getting a tooth! He said her gums were red and swollen. Well no wonder she's been fussy. This morning I gave her a little Tylenol since she seemed to be in pain and then she took a nice 2 1/2 hour nap. After her appointment, she seems back to her normal self which is probably thanks to the Tylenol still. Hopefully this tooth comes through quickly or I'm going to need another cup gallon of coffee. 

Oh and did I mention she's 20 lbs 13 oz?! That weight is with clothes on, but a onesie and some pants and a headband don't weigh much. Her doctor said she is the size of an average 1 year old girl, which is the total opposite of Ezra who was the size of a 2 month old at 6 months. Hooray for chubby cheeks and double chins! 

I sure do love this little ball of fluff.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful photographs! It was really an enjoyable post to read. My daughter just turned 16. My son threw a surprise party for her at one of her favorite party halls in Los Angeles. She felt really happy to see all her friends in the party.
